Walsun sustainability management policy for supplier:
we assess and audit the suppliers according to specific sustainable standards, set up goals, and to implement as schedule.
- Basic risks and legality (there’re basic assessment and site audit in our system, assessment about basic risks and legality is valid for one month, site audit is valid for 3 years;
- The third party authentication situation such as ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, etc.
- Whether the factory is a green chemical plant certified by the authority.
- Whether the factory has CSR commitment and sustainability system.
- TfS (and Ecovadis assessment) participation and score cards.
- Historical record: Major violations/accidents
- Production scale/advanced technology/Stability of supply
Walsun sustainability management Policy for shipping forwarder:
we assess and audit the shipping forwarders according to specific sustainable standards, set up goals, and to implement as schedule
- Basic risks and legality
- The third party authentication situation such as ISO, etc.
- whether the shipping forwarder has CSR commitment and sustainability system
- Whether there is an information / visualization service platform to track and give feedback of the transportation progress and safety of goods in time
Supplier code of conduct
- Non-negotiable minimum standards
- System management and legal operation
- Morality
- Labor and human rights
- Product quality
- Environmental protection
- Occupational health and safety